Medical Dictionary

Unna's boot

noun Un·na's boot

Medical Definition of UNNA'S BOOT

:  a compression dressing for varicose veins or ulcers consisting of a paste made of zinc oxide, gelatin, glycerin, and water that is applied to the lower leg, covered with a bandage, and then applied to the outside of the bandage

Biographical Note for UNNA'S BOOT

Un·na \ˈ-nä\ Paul Gerson (1850–1929), German dermatologist. Unna was one of the leading dermatologists of his time. Near Hamburg, Germany, he founded a private clinic for skin diseases, and in 1882 he founded his own journal of practical dermatology. Unna introduced into medicine hard and soft zinc oxide pastes, including the paste used in Unna's boot.

Variants of UNNA'S BOOT

Un·na's boot or Un·na boot \ˈü-nə(z)-\
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